Deep in the Amazon, researchers have uncovered a complex of ancient cities — using laser technology

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The Current16:20Huge ancient city discovered in Amazon

“Wow” was all archaeologist Stéphen Rostain could say when LiDAR (light detection and ranging) laser technology revealed several ancient cities hidden deep in the Amazon rainforest.

“It’s a gift for an archaeologist,” he told The Current‘s Matt Galloway. 

Using the laser-scanning technology, researchers have uncovered a complex network of farmland, roads and neighbourhoods in Ecuador’s Upano River Valley.

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The cities are believed to be between 2,000 and 3,000 years old, according to Rostain, who works for France’s National Center for Scientific Research. His group’s findings were recently published in the journal Science.

“In the Upano, it’s a completely new approach

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Reading: Deep in the Amazon, researchers have uncovered a complex of ancient cities — using laser technology

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