Jagmeet Singh and his wife have 'realized their error,' will pay for $1,895 rocking chair gift

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NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh pictured in an Instragram post from his personal account promoting the $1,895 Grand Jackson Rocker by Canadian furniture company Monte. (Jagmeet Singh/Instagram)

The NDP says it is working with the ethics commissioner and intends to file a formal disclosure report on a $1,895 rocking chair given to NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh’s wife in exchange for posting about the item on her Instagram account.

On Dec. 10, Singh’s wife posted an image of the Grand Jackson Rocker by Canadian furniture company Monte on her Instagram account, mentioning the company. The party said Singh would repay the cost of the

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Reading: Jagmeet Singh and his wife have 'realized their error,' will pay for $1,895 rocking chair gift

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