Nunavut issues boil-water advisory for Iqaluit after fuel smell returns to city water

WNews 1 Min Read

Residents of Iqaluit who are still using the city’s water supply are being urged to boil their water for a full minute before consuming it, after Nunavut’s Health Department issued a boil-water advisory on Wednesday afternoon.

“The city has bypassed the water treatment plant due to recent contamination events,” the advisory stated.

“While the contamination levels were below the health screening values developed by Health Canada, the boil-water advisory is a precautionary measure because the water is not filtered through the normal water treatment processes.”

The department said tap water in Iqaluit may have a smell or taste, be slightly discoloured or have

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Reading: Nunavut issues boil-water advisory for Iqaluit after fuel smell returns to city water

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