Baby among 4 people found dead at Manitoba-U.S. border: RCMP

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Manitoba RCMP say four people, one an infant, were found dead Wednesday at the Canada-U.S. border.

They are believed to have died from exposure to the freezing weather while attempting to walk across the border from Canada to the United States, said Assistant Commissioner Jane MacLatchy, the RCMP commanding officer in Manitoba.

The bodies were that of a man, woman, a teen boy and an infant, she said.

“It is an absolute and heartbreaking tragedy,” MacLatchy said.

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Just before 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, members of the RCMP integrated border enforcement team were alerted that U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers had apprehended a group othat crossed into the U.S. from

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Reading: Baby among 4 people found dead at Manitoba-U.S. border: RCMP

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