What's up with 10-year-old kids in Sephora? Why the question itself is driving controversy

By WNews 1 Min Read

What’s up with 10-year-old kids in Sephora? That’s the question dividing parents, dermatologists, retailers and social media as more and more children buy into expensive, elaborate skin-care and beauty products.

But while millions of people watch and share videos condemning “Sephora kids” (often blaming the parents for allowing their children to purchase products meant for adults), and dermatologists have chimed in warning that some of these products are harsh and not meant for pediatric skin, other people are pointing out that there’s nothing new about children mimicking older role models — and that it’s harmless.

“My whole FYP [for you page] is about 10 year olds at Sephora. So here’s my four year old shopping at

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Reading: What's up with 10-year-old kids in Sephora? Why the question itself is driving controversy

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