Veteran finds best friend's T-shirt in the mail, 13 years after he was killed in Afghanistan

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Former Canadian Armed Forces medic Matthew Heneghan regrets not being able to say a final farewell to his best friend and former colleague Pte. Colin Wilmot, who died in service in Afghanistan more than a decade ago.

So Heneghan, now living in Falkland, B.C., in the North Okanagan, was overwhelmed with joy and sadness last month when he received a surprising Christmas gift: an old Edmonton Oilers T-shirt Wilmot had left behind, neatly folded in a Ziploc bag.

“It was a lot of crying and a lot of confusion to my poor girlfriend sitting beside me, because she had no idea what was going on,” Heneghan, 39,

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Reading: Veteran finds best friend's T-shirt in the mail, 13 years after he was killed in Afghanistan

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