Sammy Yatim's shooting death by former Toronto cop a homicide, coroner's inquest finds

WNews 1 Min Read

Sammy Yatim’s shooting death by a former Toronto police officer was a homicide, a coroner’s inquest has found more than a decade after his death.

Yatim, a teen at the time of the shooting, was alone on a streetcar and holding a small knife when he was hit by two volleys of shots shortly after midnight on July 27, 2013.

In 2016, the officer who shot him, then-Const. James Forcillo, was found not guilty of second-degree murder in connection with the first volley of bullets, which court heard was fatal, but was convicted of attempted murder for the second volley, fired when Yatim

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Reading: Sammy Yatim's shooting death by former Toronto cop a homicide, coroner's inquest finds

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