Mikisew Cree celebrate expansion of Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland Provincial Park

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The Mikisew Cree First Nation is celebrating the expansion of Alberta’s Kitaskano Nuwenëné Wildland Provincial Park, which the nation says will help protect the animals and watershed surrounding Fort Chipewyan. 

Another 375,000 acres were added to the park, bringing it to 775,000 acres.

This park in northeastern Alberta is part of the largest area of protected boreal forest in the world. 

The expanded area of the park is located between the Birch River Wildland Provincial Park and existing Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland, and south of Wood Buffalo National Park which stretches along Alberta’s northern border. 

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Three oilsands companies — Athabasca Oil Corporation, Cenovus and Burgess Canadian Resources — contributed land for the

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Reading: Mikisew Cree celebrate expansion of Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland Provincial Park

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