Why it's a bad idea to rely on an American-owned bridge for 25% of Canadian trade

WNews 1 Min Read

When the Ambassador Bridge — a key trade corridor between Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., — was blockaded by protesters earlier this month, it exposed a weak U.S.-owned link in Canada’s supply chain.

The protesters choked off the 92-year-old river crossing with ease.

Windsor resident Mary Ann Cuderman has been saying for years that the bridge is a “ready target.”

“If they’re going to make an impact, this would be the place,” said Cuderman, 80, who started a bridge watchdog group and runs the Olde Towne Bake Shop, four blocks from the bridge entrance.

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“An international bridge should never be privately owned,” she said. 

Mary Ann Cuderman of the

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Reading: Why it's a bad idea to rely on an American-owned bridge for 25% of Canadian trade

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