Nacho chips, crackers and tiny fish: How a B.C. senior survived on the open sea for nearly 6 days

WNews 1 Min Read

Don Cavers didn’t realize how weak he was until a giant merchant ship pulled up within metres of his life-raft to rescue him.

For the previous 5½ days, the B.C. senior had been floating on the open water of the Caribbean Sea, eating only nacho chips, crackers and a handful of tiny fish he was able to catch.  

The covered raft had been his only protection from the elements after he ran the Starlight, his Ericson sailboat, onto a reef near the coast of Cuba — enroute from Colombia to Puerto Rico. 

“You basically just deal with one thing at a time and figure out

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Reading: Nacho chips, crackers and tiny fish: How a B.C. senior survived on the open sea for nearly 6 days

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