Home-state humiliation: Nikki Haley risks being trounced by Trump on her own turf

WNews 1 Min Read

Omens can be desolate or foreboding. But this likely omen came slathered in bright, buoyant strokes of acrylic paint.

An amateur painter was working on a portrait of a U.S. presidential candidate outside a studio in Georgetown, S.C., right as Nikki Haley rolled into town for a rally on the same street.

South Carolina, Haley’s home turf, where she was a relatively popular governor, is the site of a crucial Republican primary Saturday. Only it wasn’t the home-grown candidate being commemorated on canvas. It was Donald Trump, who is widely expected to beat Haley badly in her own backyard Saturday.

“My love for Trump is beyond measure,”

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Reading: Home-state humiliation: Nikki Haley risks being trounced by Trump on her own turf

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