The Liberals and NDP say they have a pharmacare deal — so what's left on their to-do list?

By WNews 1 Min Read

Now that the Liberals and New Democrats have announced they’ve reached an deal on pharmacare, the path is open for the parties to carry on a confidence-and-supply agreement that has helped to keep the government in power since March 2022.

The parties have reached agreements on several fronts but there are several items on the list that have yet to be completed.

The deal provides the minority Liberal government with the backing of New Democrat MPs on confidence and budgetary matters, staving off an early election. In exchange, the Liberals have agreed to move on several NDP policy priorities. Pharmacare was just one of them.

A pharmacare deal was a

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Reading: The Liberals and NDP say they have a pharmacare deal — so what's left on their to-do list?

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