Is the night sky part of our natural environment? Some astronomers say yes, and are trying to preserve it

WNews 1 Min Read

Astronomer Samantha Lawler walked out of her farmhouse in Edenwold, about 30 kilometres northeast of Regina, her feet crunching on the snow below, the cacophony of ducks and chickens emanating from her barn.

It was early morning, before sunrise, and the stars were still draped across the sky.

She glanced up on her short walk and noticed the slow movement of light among the stars. Then another. And another. She eventually stopped counting.

Lawler knew all too well what those faux-stars were: satellites.

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“I wasn’t even staring at the sky. I was just looking and walking between buildings and I saw a dozen in like

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Reading: Is the night sky part of our natural environment? Some astronomers say yes, and are trying to preserve it

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