New inquest targets cause of Saskatchewan mass killer Myles Sanderson's death after his arrest

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One major question remains after a public inquest spent weeks examining the stabbing massacre at James Smith Cree Nation: How did the killer die?

The answer is expected after the conclusion of a week-long public coroner’s inquest beginning in Saskatoon on Monday. It is meant to establish when, where and how Myles Sanderson, a James Smith (JSCN) community member, died in police custody.

“Pretty much just only have one question,” said Vanessa Burns, Sanderson’s ex-partner. “How he passed away.”

Sanderson, 32, killed 11 people at JSCN and the neighbouring village of Weldon on Sept. 4, 2022. He was arrested in a ditch off the side

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Reading: New inquest targets cause of Saskatchewan mass killer Myles Sanderson's death after his arrest

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