She ended up on Zoom with the man accused of raping her. She doesn't want it to happen to other students

WNews 1 Min Read

She still remembers how her hands shook uncontrollably as she logged into the initial video hearing convened by her university after she reported being raped on campus in 2021, dreading seeing the man, a fellow student, accused of assaulting her. 

The young woman, whose name is protected by a court publication ban, said coming forward to Université Sainte-Anne forced her to recount her experience several times, including to professors, staff and students at the small francophone university in southwestern Nova Scotia. 

The woman said her mental health deteriorated as she tried to cope with the aftermath of the alleged rape, while struggling

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Reading: She ended up on Zoom with the man accused of raping her. She doesn't want it to happen to other students

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