Why are B.C. gas prices surging when the province gets most of its gas from local refineries?

By WNews 1 Min Read

The price of gasoline at the retail level has hit record highs across the country this week, with drivers in British Columbia seeing prices soar past $2.10 per litre over the weekend.

Economists, fuel experts and politicians have agreed prices are rising because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

But B.C. gets most of its gasoline from Burnaby, Edmonton and Washington state — so why does supply from Russia matter?

Here’s an explanation.

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First off, why is gas so expensive?

Gasoline is made from crude oil, the cost of which is determined globally. The cost is influenced by international supply and demand or geopolitical events.


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Reading: Why are B.C. gas prices surging when the province gets most of its gas from local refineries?

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