'It didn't have to end this way': How the police search for Norah and Romy Carpentier took a wrong turn

By WNews 1 Min Read

Melted ice cream, a single sandal left behind on the floor of the car, and footprints found near the scene of an abandoned car: those were the clues that Norah and Romy Carpentier, sisters aged 11 and 6, had been in the vehicle with their father when Martin Carpentier had an accident near Saint-Apollinaire, Que., on a warm night in July 2020.

Carpentier didn’t wait for help. Instead he fled into the woods, his daughters in tow.

The first police officers to arrive on the scene of the accident on Highway 20 just southwest of Quebec City didn’t realize a tragedy

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Reading: 'It didn't have to end this way': How the police search for Norah and Romy Carpentier took a wrong turn

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