Police say Amqui, Que. crash was deliberate, victims chosen at random

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The driver of a pickup truck that slammed into a group of pedestrians in Amqui, Que. on Monday afternoon did so intentionally and chose his victims at random, the police said.

Provincial police have identified Steeve Gagnon, 38, an Amqui resident, as the driver.

He turned himself in after the fact. He has been arrested and is expected to be charged later today.

Gérald Charest, 65, and Jean Lafrenière, 73, were killed and nine others were injured in the incident.

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Emergency services blocked access to Saint-Benoît Boulevard in Amqui, Que., after several pedestrians were struck on Monday. (Samuel Ranger/Radio-Canada)

Claude Doiron, a spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec (SQ),

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Reading: Police say Amqui, Que. crash was deliberate, victims chosen at random

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