'He should be alive': Cousin of 1 of 5 Indian students killed in Ontario crash speaks out

WNews 1 Min Read

Karanpal Singh had only been living in Canada about six months before his life was cut short by a crash on Ontario’s Highway 401 over the weekend, killing him along with four other young students from India.

Singh, 22, had been living in Brampton and studying part-time in Montreal. 

In his short time here, he had become very close with Jagroop Singh, a cousin of his who lived nearby.

“He was a great person,” Jagroop told CBC News. “It’s unexplainable because…he should be alive.”

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Singh and seven others were travelling in a passenger van from Montreal to Brampton early Saturday morning. Police believe the van had

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Reading: 'He should be alive': Cousin of 1 of 5 Indian students killed in Ontario crash speaks out

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