Lineups at Montreal food bank growing longer. Experts call for end to 'Band-Aid' food insecurity solutions

By WNews 1 Min Read

A crowd gathered in front of the Parc-Extension food bank last month, waiting to get a bite to eat — hundreds more people lined up than expected. On one of the distribution days, some pushed their way toward the doors, trying to get served first.  

The food bank called 911 to get the situation under control, and the following week officers were on site for the next giveaway. 

Each week, Cuisines et vie collectives Saint-Roch, a community kitchen that also operates as a food bank, normally hands out food baskets to around 180 families. 

But on two Mondays in February, an estimated 400 showed

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Reading: Lineups at Montreal food bank growing longer. Experts call for end to 'Band-Aid' food insecurity solutions

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