Ottawa police shocked, struck, kicked Black man in case of mistaken identity

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Kane Niyondagara was walking home from a Starbucks in Ottawa’s east end when he heard the sirens.

He turned around and, according to his description of what happened to him on the morning of Feb. 16, saw police officers with weapons pointed at him on Innes Road. 

“Hands up,” they ordered. He obeyed.

“Get on your knees,” he remembers one officer calling.

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But Niyondagara, 27, hadn’t done anything wrong. He dropped his hands and shrugged, as if to ask why. He looked at the sidewalk under his feet and said he was afraid of being “brutally arrested” against the hard concrete.

“They just kept screaming to get

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Reading: Ottawa police shocked, struck, kicked Black man in case of mistaken identity

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