PWHL Ottawa acquires forwards Vanišová, Darkangelo to bolster playoff push

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PWHL Ottawa added a pair of forwards in separate trades on Monday, as the team makes a push for the fourth and final playoff spot.

Ottawa acquired forward Tereza Vanišová from Montreal in exchange for defender Amanda Boulier in a bid to add more offence. Then, the team swapped forward Lexie Adzija and the rights to forward Caitrin Lonergan for Boston’s Shiann Darkangelo, who will give the team another option down the middle.

Both trades were announced on Monday after the 4 p.m. ET trade deadline passed. Rosters will be frozen after 12 p.m. Tuesday, giving teams a few more hours to sign players who’ve been released

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Reading: PWHL Ottawa acquires forwards Vanišová, Darkangelo to bolster playoff push

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