Her Grade 6 class was asked to do a project about a great Canadian. So she picked Ryan Reynolds

By WNews 1 Min Read

When you think about Canadian heritage, your mind might go to the likes of Viola Desmond, Tim Horton or the Halifax Explosion.

But a Grade 6 student in Hubbards, N.S., has a different perspective. She thinks of movie star — and Canadian heartthrob — Ryan Reynolds. 

Danica Scott, who goes by Dani, was recently given an assignment at Chester Area Middle School to create a class presentation on Canada’s heritage or the life of a Canadian who has done something great for the country. 

Unbeknownst to her parents and teachers, she chose Reynolds.

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“He’s very, very talkative about being Canadian and has helped a bunch of charities in the

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Reading: Her Grade 6 class was asked to do a project about a great Canadian. So she picked Ryan Reynolds

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