What are depleted uranium munitions? U.K. plans to provide them to Ukraine and Russia isn't happy

By WNews 1 Min Read

Russia threatened to escalate attacks in Ukraine after the British government announced it would provide to Ukraine a type of munition that Moscow falsely claims has nuclear components. 

The British Defence Ministry on Monday confirmed it would provide Ukraine with armour-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium (DU). 

Such rounds were developed by the U.S. during the Cold War to destroy Soviet tanks, including the same T-72 tanks that Ukraine now faces in its push to break through a stalemate in the east. 

A row of U.S. Army 25 mm rounds of depleted uranium ammunition, photographed at the base of Charlie Company, 1-22 Battalion, 4th

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Reading: What are depleted uranium munitions? U.K. plans to provide them to Ukraine and Russia isn't happy

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