As power outages drag on, this Quebec mayor says it's time to protect the grid from future storms

By WNews 1 Min Read

The latest: 

As of 6 p.m. ET Sunday, more than 61,000 Hydro-Québec customers were still without power.Hydro-Québec says most households will have power back within 24 hours. The Quebec government is allowing big box grocery stores in certain regions to be open Easter Sunday.More than 900,000 customers have regained power from the peak of 1.1 million on Thursday.2 people have died, one after being hit by a falling branch, the other after using a generator in a garage.147 people in Montreal have been treated for carbon monoxide poisoning. The City of Montreal is starting to issue parking tickets on residential streets again. If the power or data on your device is

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Reading: As power outages drag on, this Quebec mayor says it's time to protect the grid from future storms

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