'Irritated' N.W.T. minister learned of Suncor spill into Athabasca River when media called

WNews 1 Min Read

The N.W.T.’s environment minister says he only learned about a spill of nearly six million litres of water from a Suncor oilsands sediment pond into the Athabasca River when he received a call from the Globe and Mail.

It’s the second time the Alberta government has failed to notify the territory of a spill that could impact northern waters. It comes just weeks after news broke that Imperial Oil’s Kearl mine had been leaking contaminated water for months.

“We did not hear about it, and that really irritated us, for sure,” said Shane Thompson, minister of Environment and Climate Change, Monday morning.


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Reading: 'Irritated' N.W.T. minister learned of Suncor spill into Athabasca River when media called

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