Winnipeg man may be taken off life support after opioid-laced drug overdose in The Pas, father says

WNews 1 Min Read

A Winnipeg father says his son may be taken off life support this week after he overdosed on an opioid-laced drug in northern Manitoba over the weekend, and RCMP say it appears the same drug may have turned up in another community.

Joseph Fourre’s 31-year-old son, Harlan, was sent to hospital in critical condition after he and three other men were found unresponsive at an establishment in The Pas, Man., on Saturday evening. The Pas is located about 520 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg.

RCMP said paramedics administered naloxone on the men and were able to revive three of them, who were taken to

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Reading: Winnipeg man may be taken off life support after opioid-laced drug overdose in The Pas, father says

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