B.C. woman found guilty of assault after coughing at grocery store employee in early days of pandemic

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A woman who coughed at a Vancouver Island grocery store employee during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic has been found guilty of assault by a judge in British Columbia.

The incident occurred at a Save On Foods in Campbell River, B.C., on April 24, 2020, when social-distancing measures had been mandated by provincial public health officials. 

Judge Barbara Flewelling found Kimberly Woolman guilty of two counts of assault: one for the coughing incident, and the other for ramming a shopping cart into the store’s assistant manager. Woolman was also found guilty of causing a disturbance.

In her summary of events, Flewelling said Woolman approached employee Jacqueline Poulton

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Reading: B.C. woman found guilty of assault after coughing at grocery store employee in early days of pandemic

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