'Mastermind' of Kabul airport bombing killed by Taliban, says U.S. official

WNews 1 Min Read

The Taliban have killed an Islamic State militant who was the “mastermind” behind a suicide attack at Kabul’s international airport in 2021 that killed 13 U.S. troops and scores of civilians during the United States’ chaotic evacuation from the country, a U.S. official said on Tuesday.

The bombing occurred on Aug. 26, 2021, as U.S. troops were trying to help Americans and Afghans flee in the chaotic aftermath of the Taliban’s takeover, and compounded America’s sense of defeat after 20 years of war.

“He was a key ISIS-K official directly involved in plotting operations like Abbey Gate, and now is no longer able

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Reading: 'Mastermind' of Kabul airport bombing killed by Taliban, says U.S. official

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