Parrots who learn to video call feathered friends feel less lonely, study finds

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As It Happens6:18Domesticated parrots who video call ‘friends’ feel less lonely: study

Polly want a cracker? Maybe after a FaceTime catchup with an old friend.

According to a recent study at Northeastern University in Boston, parrots that have been taught to contact their feathered peers with a video call app showed signs of feeling less isolated or lonely.

Parrots are a highly social species, said Northeastern University assistant professor and co-researcher Rébecca Kleinberger.

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Many parrot species live in large flocks — when they live with humans, they’re usually isolated from other birds. That can lead to heightened loneliness and boredom.

WATCH | Parrots make video calls: 

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Reading: Parrots who learn to video call feathered friends feel less lonely, study finds

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