Searching for solace a year after tragedy in James Smith Cree Nation

WNews 1 Min Read

Rickety wheels slice through the undisturbed gravel of the race track in Prince Albert, Sask. A man in a cowboy hat declares that the first chariot race will start soon.

After donning helmets, vests and a need for adrenaline, the drivers guide their horses into position. A horn blares and the crowd cheers as hooves beat the ground, producing plumes of dust that hang in the air long after the horses rush past.

Darryl Burns calmly sits on a nearby aluminum bench, his eyes tracking every rotation of the wheels on his grandson’s cart.

Burns has competed in races like this for 50 years. The competition, family, equestrian

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Reading: Searching for solace a year after tragedy in James Smith Cree Nation

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