She wanted to build a garden for fellow hospice residents. Volunteers made her dream come true in a day

WNews 1 Min Read

For Jodi Fay, the act of building a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

Fay, who has terminal pancreatic cancer, wanted to create a trail with benches on her friend’s land close to the Prince George, B.C., hospice where she lives, as a garden space where she and fellow residents could find joy and peace.

“I wanted … to offer a space that future families and sick patients can come into a quiet spot where they can just sit and reflect, but yet not have a visual of the [hospice] building,” she said.

Fay, who will turn 60 next Friday, says she tried to work

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Reading: She wanted to build a garden for fellow hospice residents. Volunteers made her dream come true in a day

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