This Walmart greeter is so heartwarming, customers go to the small-town Ontario store just to see him

WNews 1 Min Read

“Welcome to Walmart. Have a great day,” a cheery voice calls out, over and over, in the front foyer of Walmart on this rainy day in Strathroy, Ont.

That endearing welcome comes from Nolan Hankinson, 25, who has been working as a greeter at the retailer for about a year.

After a social media post about Hankinson circulated through the community earlier this month, CBC News decided to make the trip to meet him.

According to his family, Hankinson has an anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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“I like working at Walmart and the people are awesome here,” said Hankinson, whose raised eyebrows and smile rarely leave his face. 

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Reading: This Walmart greeter is so heartwarming, customers go to the small-town Ontario store just to see him

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