Drug-smuggling drones rampant in Canadian prisons, says correctional officers' union

WNews 1 Min Read

Layers of barbed wire fencing surround the Matsqui Institution in Abbotsford, B.C. The massive, concrete prison sits among rural fields across from an elementary school, about 70 kilometres east of Vancouver.

Despite the fortification, the union representing correctional officers says bundles of drugs have literally — and routinely — been dropping from the skies into prison yards like this across Canada.

Last fall, a drone dropped a batch of toxic drugs that contained fentanyl into the B.C. prison. One inmate died, and nine others who overdosed were taken to emergency, according to the Union for Canadian Correctional Officers (UCCO). Another 39 required medical intervention.

Drones are

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Reading: Drug-smuggling drones rampant in Canadian prisons, says correctional officers' union

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