Can you help this B.C. man find the descendants of the owner of this antique jewelry?

By WNews 1 Min Read

A man in Kamloops, B.C., is asking for help finding the descendants of the owner of a 209-year-old piece of jewelry he recently discovered in a local park. 

Travis Bussard, 39, says he found the Georgian-era mourning pin while he was out metal detecting with his father near Riverside Park last week. 

“It’s probably the most amazing thing I think I’ve found,” Bussard said. 

“Any day you can find something that’s old with an engraving or inscription or something that relates to someone’s personal life is pretty incredible.”

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Engraved on the back is an inscription that reads, “Elias Jeffs, Ob Jan 8, 1814, Abt 47.”

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Reading: Can you help this B.C. man find the descendants of the owner of this antique jewelry?

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