No, Jagmeet Singh isn't Rachel Notley's boss. But their 'union' remains rivals' target

WNews 1 Min Read

There was a time, a rather long time, when the Alberta NDP was little more than the labour unions’ partisan mouthpiece, and the largely inconsequential cousins of the federal New Democrats.

With a more diverse — read: less union-centric — candidate roster and political positions that shuck much of what Jagmeet Singh’s party stands for, the provincial NDP has arguably never been as independent from influence of its longstanding organizational partners as it is now.

And yet never before has the Alberta NDP faced such a torrent of rival accusations it’s in thrall with organized labour, and had its relationship with the

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Reading: No, Jagmeet Singh isn't Rachel Notley's boss. But their 'union' remains rivals' target

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