Tensions between landlords and tenants at an all-time high, advocates say after Hamilton shootings

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Advocacy groups say tensions between landlords and renters are at an all-time high in the wake of a Hamilton landlord killing two tenants.

Police told CBC Hamilton detectives are investigating if a conflict over a mould complaint occurred right before the landlord killed 27-year-old Carissa MacDonald and her 28-year-old fiancé Aaron Stone on May 27.

The landlord, 57, died a few hours later in a shootout with police. 

Police have not released the name of the landlord, who neighbours say also lived in the home. Terry Gerald Brekka owned the house, according to property records.

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The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), the tribunal that hears complaints and requests by

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Reading: Tensions between landlords and tenants at an all-time high, advocates say after Hamilton shootings

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