Why tensions have boiled over in Kosovo and why Novak Djokovic weighed in

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Serbian tennis legend Novak Djokovic stirred up political controversy at the French Open on Monday, after writing a message about Kosovo on a camera lens following his first-round victory.

“Kosovo is the heart of Serbia. Stop the violence,” Djokovic wrote in Serbian.

Here’s more on the rising tensions between Serbia and Kosovo that Djokovic was referring to.

What’s the latest on the ground?

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Dozens of NATO troops secured a municipal building in the Kosovo town of Zvečan on Tuesday, after 30 NATO soldiers and 52 Serb protesters were injured in clashes the previous day.

NATO retains 3,700 peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, the remainder of an original

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Reading: Why tensions have boiled over in Kosovo and why Novak Djokovic weighed in

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