A law used against the Mob is behind Georgia's prosecution of Donald Trump

WNews 1 Min Read

There are 41 criminal counts in the nearly 100-page Georgia election interference indictment against former U.S. president Donald Trump and 18 others. And by the estimation of Morgan Cloud, a law professor at Emory University in Atlanta, about 60 per cent is devoted to the first count: racketeering.

It’s certainly the most serious charge, one that’s often used to target members of organized crime groups — carrying with it a penalty of up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

It’s also one of the intriguing aspects of Monday’s indictment, the fourth against Trump, who is being accused of engaging in a criminal, racketeering enterprise to overturn Georgia’s presidential election

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Reading: A law used against the Mob is behind Georgia's prosecution of Donald Trump

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