Most Canadians don't know about the bombing of Air India, the worst terrorist attack in Canada's history: poll

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Friday marks a grim anniversary for Canada, but a new poll out of the Angus Reid Institute shows it’s one most Canadians aren’t even aware of.

June 23 is the 38th anniversary of the bombing of Air India Flight 182 in 1985, which killed 329 people, among whom 280 were Canadian citizens.

The flight from Montreal to London exploded off the Irish coast, making the bombing the deadliest terrorist incident in Canada’s history. 

Another bomb, intended to attack a separate flight, killed two baggage handlers when it exploded at Tokyo’s Narita International Airport, bringing the total number of lives lost in the attack to 331.

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The poll surveyed

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Reading: Most Canadians don't know about the bombing of Air India, the worst terrorist attack in Canada's history: poll

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