Canadian teen who came out as trans has parents' full support, but worries his community is under attack

WNews 1 Min Read

When Fabien Hawkins was exploring his gender identity, his parents weren’t the first to know. 

A few years ago, Fabien asked a group of online friends to start using different pronouns for him. 

“So I told them, ‘I think I might be trans. Can you help me by using different pronouns on me and I’ll see what I’m comfortable with? This is obviously just a test until I can really figure out who I am,'” said the now 18-year-old. 

“I wanted to make sure I knew who I was before I said something to my parents.” 

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Once Fabien felt confident in identifying as a male, he came

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Reading: Canadian teen who came out as trans has parents' full support, but worries his community is under attack

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