India is changing what's in textbooks. So is it rewriting history?

By WNews 1 Min Read

When Manish Jain first heard about the changes made to the textbooks he helped create for Indian high school students, he was unsure how to react.

But he knew exactly how he felt about it.

“You feel pained, and it is not just because one is associated with [the textbooks],” said Jain, a professor in the school of education studies at New Delhi’s Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University. 

“What should be given to our youth and young is being denied. So that’s the pain. It is not about our names. It is about what could be possible.” 

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The textbooks were used in history and political science courses. The changes, introduced by NCERT, an

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Reading: India is changing what's in textbooks. So is it rewriting history?

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