Fierce mammal and its dinosaur prey fossilized in volcanic eruption

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A badger-like mammal died while chomping into the ribs of a hapless horned plant-eating dinosaur struggling to escape more than 100 million years ago. The pair were perfectly preserved, still locked in combat, in “China’s dinosaur Pompeii,” researchers report.

Dating to the Cretaceous Period, the dramatic fossil unearthed in northeastern China shows the four-legged mammal Repenomamus robustus — the size of a domestic cat — ferociously entangled with the beaked two-legged dinosaur Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis, as big as a medium-sized dog.

Scientists suspect they were suddenly engulfed in a volcanic mudflow and buried alive during mortal combat.

“Dinosaurs nearly always outsized their mammal contemporaries, so traditional belief has been that their interactions were

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