Showers arrive for parts of B.C. as almost 500 wildfires burn across province

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For the first time in more than a month, showers and cooler weather are reaching parched sections of British Columbia, potentially bringing some respite for crews battling hundreds of wildfires.

Environment Canada says about 20 millimetres of rain should dampen Vancouver Island and Metro Vancouver.

But showers could be spottier around Kamloops, around 250 kilometres northeast of Vancouver, where a fire just south of the city has forced the evacuation of 344 properties.

Rancher Doug Haughton told CHNL radio the Ross Moore Lake fire “blew up like a cannon” over the weekend after it started on Friday afternoon.

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Haughton, who is also director of Thompson-Nicola

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Reading: Showers arrive for parts of B.C. as almost 500 wildfires burn across province

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