He died alone of a drug overdose. His mother wants to save others from the same fate

By WNews 1 Min Read

Tina Olivero holds a picture of her son, Ben, at a public memorial in his honour. (Malone Mullin/CBC)

Tina Olivero had just watched her son come back from the brink.

But hours after he left the hospital, revived by naloxone and treated for a suspected opiate overdose, she found police crouched over him, wrestling in vain to save his life once more.

Ben Olivero, a six-foot-six “gentle giant,” as his mother puts it, died in the early hours of Saturday morning, behind some bushes in a small park on New Gower Street in St. John’s.

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“He died by himself,” said Olivero, losing her fight

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Reading: He died alone of a drug overdose. His mother wants to save others from the same fate

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