What happened when Halifax police pepper-sprayed people protesting removal of shelters for homeless people

By WNews 1 Min Read

Lisa LaChance wasn’t expecting to spend the day after the 2021 Nova Scotia election standing face-to-face with police officers in riot gear. 

LaChance, the member of the provincial legislature who represents Halifax Citadel-Sable Island, heard about a large protest in the riding to stop police and city workers from removing tents and shelters in parks used by people who were homeless and thought they’d better attend. (LaChance uses the pronouns they/them.)

“We basically stood facing one of the lines of police,” LaChance said in a recent interview. 

“What we were trying to do was just have a conversation and just say we need to

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Reading: What happened when Halifax police pepper-sprayed people protesting removal of shelters for homeless people

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