Meet a Lego master aiming to build the world's largest playing card

WNews 1 Min Read

Faith Howe sifted through a bucket of white Lego bricks at the Fredericton Public Library, her latest project stretched before her — the first few rows of the queen of hearts.

Howe is trying to set the world record for the largest Lego playing card.

When finished in the next few weeks, the card will be about eight feet wide and at least 12 feet long, or about 2.4 metres by 3.6 metres. And about 50,000 Lego bricks.

“It’s very calming for me,” said Howe, who lives in Burton, southeast of Fredericton. “Because I’m focused in, I can just, like, shut everything else out and just really narrow

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Reading: Meet a Lego master aiming to build the world's largest playing card

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