Although Tama Fost is a Newfoundlander, and a Labradorian too, she is also describes herself as a ‘first-generation urban Inuk.’ (Submitted by Tama Fost)
This First Person column is written by Tama Fost, who lives in St. John’s. For more information about CBC’s First Person stories, please see the FAQ.
Ullukut ilonnasi. Tamauvunga — good day all of you. I am Tama.
I was born and raised in downtown St. John’s. My settler dad, Fred, was from Millertown, N.L., while my Inuk mom, Charlotte, is from Hopedale, Nunatsiavut (north coastal Labrador).
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Although I’m a Newfoundlander and Labradorian, I am the first generation of my Inuit