It's not just COVID anymore, or a triple-demic. Welcome to the 'new norm' of seasonal illnesses

WNews 1 Min Read

It’s another busy fall in Canadian hospitals, with emergency department closures, long wait times, and ongoing staff shortages all making headlines.

The situation can turn deadly: Two people died while waiting for care at the Anna-Laberge hospital in Châteauguay, Que., just last week. 

And as health-care teams remain dangerously overstretched, they’re also grappling with the pressure of what some physicians are calling a “new norm” for seasonal illnesses — a range of viral and bacterial infections all back in circulation, with COVID-19 still chief among them.

“This is probably the first year since COVID started where we are seeing the anticipated viruses, the anticipated

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Reading: It's not just COVID anymore, or a triple-demic. Welcome to the 'new norm' of seasonal illnesses

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