Prince George, B.C., mayor blows expense budget with $4K in meals, nights at first-class suite, documents show

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Less than a year into his first term in office, the mayor of Prince George, B.C., has significantly overspent his proposed budget for meals, entertainment, travel and accommodation, documents show.  

According to financial reporting obtained through a freedom of Information request filed by CBC News, from Nov. 7, 2022 to Sept. 28, 2023, Mayor Simon Yu spent more than $18,000 on travel, accommodation, meals and entertainment, nearly double the $9,500 the city had budgeted for those expenses.

The documents show spending on trips to Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto, including a first-class stay in a deluxe suite in Ottawa.

There were more than $4,000 in meal expenses, primarily at restaurants in Prince George,

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Reading: Prince George, B.C., mayor blows expense budget with $4K in meals, nights at first-class suite, documents show

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